Eggplant Mole Salve -1 oz - All natural Ingredients - What Ails Ya - Unisex -
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Eggplant Salve
" What Ails Ya " Salves
1 oz round tin
All Natural Ingredients
Made from all Organic and Natural Oils
This salve is all food grade and edible. Contains no Zinc oxide therefore ,no scarring, no holes, no burning.
Our guarantee to you is that the ingredients used are of high qualityand that these ingredients listed are in the salve you are getting.
We use these salves also.
No refunds or returns - you be the judge.
Please consult you doctor when using any herbs.
The Eggplant Salve ingredients are:
Grape Seed oil infused with Garden grown Eggplants, Garden grown Lemon Balm and organic Rose Hips.
SunFlower Oil, Coconut oil,Local Beeswax, Vitamin E and Essential oil of Sweet Orange.
Please do an internet search to discover the benefits of Eggplants and its use.
Free Shipping to the USA
We do ship outside the USA and that shipping charge will be calculated on checkout.
Disclaimer: This statement and others about the use of herbs and healing oils have not been proven - herbology has been practiced for many years and the outcomes have all varied - Please do not think that this is a cure all for all . A Doctor should still be contacted in most medical conditions - years ago when a Doctor was miles away or someone could not afford the Doctor there was always a local herbalist that came to their rescue, please use on a small area first to assure the user is not allergic to an ingredient.