Hemorrhoid Salve 2 oz No Artificial Additives What Ails YA Free Shipping
Hemorrhoid Salve 2 oz with No Artificial Additives
Just a little dab on the area is all you need.
We don't get a lot of feedback on this Hemorrhoid salve because of the use , however What Ails YA is always making it and selling it . And when we mention this salve to a customer, they say - Yes , it was great.
The ingredients of the Hemorrhoid salve are :
Organic natural ingredients of Coconut oil infused with :
Vervain, Catnip, St Johns Wort,Comfrey, Mullein, Oat Tops, Witch Hazel and Beeswax.
Avocado Oil, Essential oil of Lavender
Shipping is FREE to the USA
Disclaimer: This statement and others about the use of herbs and healing oils have not been proven - herbology has been practiced for many years and the outcomes have all varied - Please do not think that this is a cure all . A Doctor should still be contacted in most medical conditions - Years ago when a Doctor was miles away or someone could not afford the Doctor there was always a local herbalist that came to their rescue, Please use on a